Our Strength
          Vertically Integrated Manufacturing
          Vertically Integrated Manufacturing
          Hensim has adopted vertically integrated manufacturing solutions to ensure our customers receive value and on-time delivery. By managing the entire supply chain of each plastic part, our customers enjoy cost savings, maximized efficiency, and value along with consistency.
          Lean organization
          Lean organization
          Flat hierarchy, Hensim leaderships are Owner/Operator/Founder of the business. Hensim works with OEMs of all sizes. From small start-up companies to blue-chip OEMs.
          100+ combined years of injection molding experience among our leadership team members.
          Mold Making with Expedited Time to Market
          Mold Making with Expedited Time to Market
          Hensim can help you in getting your product to the market quickly and efficiently in order to gain a competitive edge. Our in-house tool room employs some of the most seasoned highly skilled journeymen available, which allows us in building some of the highest-quality molds available.
          Flexibility and Responsiveness
          Flexibility and Responsiveness
          We pride ourselves on our ability to adapt to evolving customer requirements. Our state-of-the-art manufacturing facility and skilled team allow us to efficiently handle diverse projects, from small-scale productions to large-scale orders.
          Value Engineering
          Value Engineering
          Customer-oriented, focus on a co-design service that can help to cut costs and improve the feasibility of manufacturing. Aiding our customers through assisting with DFM and mold flow analysis.
          Bringing your ideas from concept to life
          Copyright ? 2023 HENSIM INDUSTRY HUIZHOU CO., LTD. All rights reserved.
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